Page Contents
Date of release: 2002-11-28
Changes in FTL (FreeMarker Template Language)
FreeMarkerServlet now has a setting for the Content-Type header of the response, defaulting to text/html. Previously it set no content type, which made it not play nicely when integrated with software that expected it (i.e. OpenSymphony SiteMesh).
FreeMarkerServlet now works correctly when mapped to an URL extension instead of URL path prefix.
You can emulate include directive call within Java code by calling Environment.include(templateName, charset, parse).
Bugfix: When Template.process() was called from another template processing, it set currentEnvironment to null when it returned, thus crashed the parent template processing.
Bugfix: the _descendant key in JDOM support incorrectly left the document root element out of the result when applied to a Document node.
Bugfix: because we incorrectly assumed certain behavior of JDK 1.4 Beans introspector, calls to public interface methods on non-public classes that implement the interface were causing exceptions on JDK 1.4
Other changes
Various minor supplements to the manual.
Documentation HTML pages don't try to load the SourceForge logo from the Internet anymore.
The default ant target is jar, not dist.